Network Course: IP Networks, Routers and Addresses

Learning Management System Instructions

Each course is comprised of a number of lessons, that are loaded one at a time onto your computer by clicking the link on the menu of available lessons on your Learning Management System dashboard.

Lessons begin with an overview and review of the lesson objectives. Then each lesson is presented in multiple parts, followed by a few quiz questions to confirm you understood key points.

Skip forward and back buttons and the slider located at the bottom of each screen can be used to navigate forwards and backwards between parts of the lesson. Play, pause and mute are located at the bottom of each screen.

You can go through the lesson unlimited times. If you close your browser, when you log back in another day or month, you will restart at the same lesson.

When you are finished a lesson, click on the "Finish Lesson" button to advance to the next lesson. Please wait to see a large green checkmark on the screen after clicking "Finish Lesson". This is the confirmation back from the Learning Management System that your progress was recorded.

If more than 30 minutes have passed since you began the lesson, your session may have timed out on the server, and you may receive an error message. In which case, simply log back in to continue.

You can view any lesson any time simply by changing "last lesson completed" to the appropriate value on the lessons page.

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